Wednesday, July 8, 2009

{Ronnie Floyds 7/7 Post}

There is something about the human spirit that makes us want to “hold on.” The most important thing that we should hold on to is – the Grace of God. God has given us some things to have and to hold on to. In difficult times, we can often lose our spiritual equilibrium. Today, I want to remind us of what we need to hold on to in difficult times:

Hold on to truth: The truth of sound teaching. The gospel is the good news we have been entrusted with. Place your faith in that good news and stand on the truth of God’s Word.

Hold on to one another. In difficult days, we find out who our real friends are. We need to hold on to our Church, Christians, Family and others that help give us the strength to make it through.

Hold on to grace principles. As I mentioned yesterday, grace is God’s free offer of forgiveness of your sins and eternal life. Hold on to these grace principles:

Disciple-making – invest in the lives of others spiritually.
Suffering – Life is tough – deal with it. We will suffer: we must learn from it and grow with it.
Integrity – Do what is right; take the high road. Your integrity is a precious gift, do not lose it.
Harvest – Be patient, work smart and hard and your harvest will come.
Perseverance – Hang in there; endure patiently; persevere to the end. God has great rewards for those who persevere.

What are you holding on to right now? Is it the world….your job…..material possessions….your lifestyle? It must be the grace of God. Only God’s grace will help you make it during difficult times.

My reasoning for the re-post is just to ad more to what RF said. . . "In difficult days, we find out who our real friends are. We need to hold on to our Church, Christians, . . .

My friends, so often I see us Christians pull back or ignore others when they are hurting or they have done something that is "unacceptable" in our eyes. Christian People. Church People. The Very People that should know better. As humans, we tend to want to avoid difficult or embarrassing situations. BUT we can't. We must face things head-on. How you ask? With the very strength that God has given us. We must reach out to hurting people. . . whether it is your best friend or someone jailed, we are commanded to love one another. We are to love not just when it is easy, but also when it is hard.
Talk Later.
Love, Tonia

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