20 fingers, 20 toes, 4 little ears, 2 little noses, 4 little eyes, 4 little cheeks, twice as many tickle spots. . .
We are blessed to have two sets of twins in our nursery.
The Thomas' weren't here Sunday, but we are doubly blessed!
We are in the process of Praying and Planning for Fall. We have new ideas, and ministries we would love to start. Please partner with us and pray God will guide us. We want His Hands to be around whatever zany and crazy ideas we might have!!
In the 3rd Service tomorrow we will have a Rosebud for sweet Riglee Smith. I look forward to seeing you all!
Have a great Saturday!
We are currently looking for Team leaders (paid weekly positions) and Wednesday Eve. Leaders. Interested? Know someone who might be? Let me know, I would love to visit with them.
P.S. See those fun little guys above. . . they are Coming Soon!