Tuesday, January 26, 2010

{Pray for those at ACH}


Miss Emily was transported to ACH last night. She just kept running fever. . . but Mrs. Mandy has reported that she is drinking alot today, and hasn't had fever since 1 am. They are looking into her having mono. Please continue to pray for their family.

Also, Micheal McCutcheon will be having surgery today. I sure hate to give any false reports, because unfortunately his situation is very confusing to me. I know he has a fungal infection is his lungs, and it needs to removed. Please lift them up in your prayers everyday. Having a sick child is so frightening. It causes tremendous stress on families, and they need the hand of God to provide comfort. . . and healing.

I do want to say thank you so much to all of you whom volunteered for our 5th Sundays!

I took a huge


by not scheduling caregivers. . . and God. . . he provided.

God always provides.

Have a wonderful Tuesday.

Make it count.

Love, Tonia

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