I know there are so many wonderful books available, but I stumbled across this one and must share. It is a simple (that is key, right?) journal. A place to jot your thoughts, prayers, and happenings. A place to write down something funny your kids said, a birthday, something you are thankful for, or a memory. Anyone is welcome to look at it or write in it. You can have your child write their name so you can later see their handwriting. It is a place to record the “little things” you might have otherwise forgotten, the silly little things you don't want to forget. Anyhow, I love it. I think you will too.
Please remember these precious people in your prayers:
Ms. Frances is still recovering from surgery on her toes.
Ms. Jo lost her brother this week, the funeral was Wednesday.
Jasper Meeker had surgery this week.
Jonathan Knight had surgery this week.
If you need prayer or would like us to join you in praying for someone you may call me anytime.
We will be changing the Septembers Date Night to Thursday, Sept 29 for the opening of Courageous. Our church will be renting out the theater for that night.
I hope you all got your babies nestled in Sunday. I think Promotion Sunday went without a hitch! Well, minus the computer check-in not working, but you guys are CHAMPS! We worked it out!
See you Soon! Have a wonderful week!
I am going to serve food at the Salvation Army on Saturday. This is the first time I have done this (I am ashamed to admit), so say a little prayer for me (Gotta start somewhere, right?). I am going with a Life Group so I will have a great group of folks to cook & serve with.
Please remember to continue to pray for Kale and Drew Lowe. They are improving, but their family still needs much prayer and encouragement from our church family.
May the Lord give you increase more and more, You and your children.
May you be blessed by the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.
Psalm 115:114-15
God has spread His mantle of protection over your family. He loves the ones you love even more than you do. Come to Him as a family and ask for the grace you each need to live out your days.
Is the adversary attacking your marriage? Don’t let him defeat you. Go after your marriage. Possess the intimacy in your marriage. Maybe you are suffering from guilt from past sin or hang-ups in your mind from your upbringing. Don’t let the enemy deprive you of God’s perfect plan for you. Don’t let the adversary take hold of one little foothold. Rise and possess your marriage in the power of the name of Jesus, the power of the promises of the Word of God and the power of the blood of Jesus. (Leviticus 26:13)
Do you need someone to talk to?
Please call our church office today. . .